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Team Anna shares a trait with Bhushan’s attackers

-Mail Today   THE attack on Team Anna member Prashant Bhushan by goons owing allegiance to Bhagat Singh Kranti Sena is not just about the threat that fundamentalist forces present to the liberal space in the country. Almost as significant has been the response of other Team Anna members to Mr Bhushan’s stance that the Kashmiri people have a right of self- determination, and a referendum should be held in the state...

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Maruti Suzuki shuts Gurgaon plant for 2 days; Manesar strike on

-PTI Maruti Suzuki India shut its main plant at Gurgaon for two days starting today due to component supply constraints from SPIL, where workers are on a stir in support of the striking colleagues at the country's largest car-maker's Manesar plant. "Maruti Suzuki has decided to suspend production at the Gurgaon plant on October 14 and October 15. This is in view of the non-availability of components for cars," the company...

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Historians protest as Delhi UniverSITy purges Ramayana essay from syllabus by Vijetha SN

The essay attracted the ire of Hindutva activists because it talks about 300 different versions of the epic Most academicians at Delhi UniverSITy are feeling betrayed by their own fraternity, the reason — the Academic Council's recent decision to drop from the history syllabus a celebrated essay by the late scholar and linguist A.K. Ramanujan on the Ramayana, despite intense oppoSITion from the history department. The essay, “Three Hundred Ramayanas: Five examples...

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Singh articulates concern over RTI

-The Telegraph   Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today called for a re-look at the Right to Information Act to ensure it is used only in the public interest. At the same time, he ruled out any dilution of the law and said “empowering our citizens” with RTI was a “huge step forward” towards “curbing corruption and improving the process of governance”. Singh promised to build on “these achievements” by bringing legislation to protect...

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Manmohan's RTI speech revives old chestnuts by Vidya Subrahmaniam

Chief Information Commissioner Satyananda Mishra demanded on Friday that the Central Information Commission be upgraded to the status of a Constitutional authority along the lines of the Election Commission of India and the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. RTI circles interpreted Mr. Mishra's intervention, coming after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's call for a critical look at the Right to Information Act, as an effort to safeguard the Act and the...

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