Total Matching Records found : 9389

The heroes of India's quest to wipe out polio

-AFP Later this month, India will be removed from a dwindling list of countries where polio is considered endemic, a huge achievement made possible by people like Madara, a 76-year-old street hawker.  At a temporary immunisation camp in a slum in the northern district of Ghaziabad, 23 kilometres (14 miles) from New Delhi, he is busy at work shepherding boisterous children into queues.  All around, social workers break open tiny bottles containing a...

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Pvt hospitals still closed for poor patients: RTI reply by Pritha Chatterjee

Nearly four years after the High Court mandated reservation of 10 per cent beds and 25 per cent out-patient facilities for the poor in private hospitals in Delhi, only some have complied with the order. As per figures provided by Delhi government in an RTI response to Newsline, none of the major hospitals were able to treat the mandated number of patients. The government received 91 complaints about refusal of treatment...

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Govt mulls six-and-a-half year MBBS with one-year rural stint

-The Times of India   India is planning to make its undergraduate MBBS course six-and-a-half years long, instead of the present five-and-a-half years.  In a meeting on Saturday, Health ministerGhulam Nabi Azad and the Medical Council of India (MCI) discussed amending the MCI Actthat would make a one-year rural posting compulsory for all MBBS students before they can become doctors. The proposal was first mooted by former Health minister A Ramadoss in 2007.  Speaking...

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'Govt plays important role in fighting malnutrition' by Syed Intishab Ali

Jay Naidoo, chair of the GAIN Board, South Africa said 60 million children in India are malnourished, which is higher than the total population of South Africa. Naidoo was in the city at the launch of fortified wheat flour and fortified edible oil for sale in open market. He said, "Around 60% of India's total population is living below poverty line. These people are dependant on the government. So, government plays...

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FSSAI rejects Ministry’s bid to back import of ‘sub-standard’ food grains by Archana Jyoti

If the Consumer Affairs Ministry had its say, imported food grains and pulses containing hazardous foreign matter would have made its way on to the Indian platter. In fact, import of damaged grains too would have been a possibility - on the pretext of the country witnessing inadequate food grains’ production. The Ministry, besides a number of importers, had called for a relaxation in the existing set norms for the import...

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