-The Hindu Business Line The former PM added that the economic stimulus that NYAY will provide will further help in fiscal discipline India's nearly $3 trillion economy has the fiscal capacity to absorb the expenditure to fund NYAY, the minimum income support scheme promised by Congress Party, without the need for any new taxes on the middle class, former Prime Minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, said. NYAY scheme -- announced by Congress...
Are you Arya Samaji, Bohra, Marthomite or Kuka? - Dinesh Narayanan
-The Economic Times For next census, proposal being debated on adding separate heads for sects/branches of 6 major faiths. NEW DELHI: Are you a Kabir Panthi or a Marthomite or a follower of the Hinayana sect or an Ahmadia or a Kuka? Confused? These are sub-faiths under the rubrics of, respectively, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Sikhism. Census 2021 may ask Indians to identify not just whether they belong to one of the...
More »India slips on World Press Freedom Index, 'scribes attacked for writing on subjects that annoy Hindutva'
-The Indian Express World Press Freedom Index 2019 reveals an increased sense of hostility towards journalists across the world, with violent attacks in India leading to at least six Indian journalists being killed in the line of their work last year. In the backdrop of the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, India dropped two places to be ranked 140th out of 180 countries in the global press freedom index analysis released Thursday...
More »Extending MGNREGA to urban areas will create 50 million jobs: State Of Working India 2019 report -Ralph Alex Arakal
-The Indian Express Interestingly, researchers observed that as much as 5 million people left the workforce between 2016 and 2018. "The beginning of the decline in jobs coincided with demonetisation in November 2016, although no direct causal relationship can be established based only on these trends," The State of Working India (SWI) 2019 report released by Azim Premji University says. Bengaluru: Researchers and economists of Azim Premji University, based in Bangalore,...
More »Declining Female Labour Force Participation
-Economic and Political Weekly Demand- as well as supply-side factors constrain the labour force participation of rural women. The female labour force participation rate (FLFPR) in India has been one of the lowest among the emerging economies and has been falling over time. This has resulted in a decrease in the ratio of working females to the population of females in the working age group. The FLFPR in India fell from 31.2%...
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