-The United Nations The United Nations launched a new web portal today focusing on helping girls and women access job opportunities, training and career advice in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. The website – girlsinict.org – was designed to inspire and help young women between the ages of 11 and 25 prepare for and pursue careers in technology by providing them with useful resources such as links to scholarships, internships,...
Access to Justice: A Development Challenge in India?
-Contributed by the India Country Office and the Legal Vice Presidency What does a parent from one of India’s historically marginalized castes do when his child is not allowed to sit with others in class? Or, if during the mid-day meal at school, his dishes are kept separate from others? Whom does a young mother turn to when a Health worker refuses to enter her house? Where does she go when...
More »WHO meet adopts mental Health resolution by Aarti Dhar
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has adopted a resolution that focuses on the global burden of mental disorders and the need for a comprehensive, coordinated response from Health and social sectors at the country level. United States of America and Switzerland supported the resolution moved by India at the just-concluded 130{+t}{+h}executive board meeting of the WHO. This marks the first time in over a decade that the WHO has, at its highest...
More »Upset over CBI raid, UP Health scam accused ‘shoots self’
-Express News Service An engineer accused in the UP National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam was found shot through the head in his Lucknow home this morning. This is the fourth accused in the scam to have died under unusual circumstances. In an apparent “suicide note” left behind on the living room sofa close to where the body was found, Sunil Kumar Verma, an assistant engineer with the Construction and Design Services...
More »Soon, ban on blood tests to detect TB by Kounteya Sinha
India will soon ban blood tests to detect tuberculosis (TB) that are widely available across the country. An expert group set up by the Drug Controller General of India has found that blood tests are mostly inaccurate for TB detection. It has recommended to the Union Health ministry to immediately ban them. A ministry official said "The DCGI had set up an eight-member committee to look at whether a proposal by the...
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