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Agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions on the rise, warns UN agency

-The United Nations   From farming to forestry and fisheries, agriculture greenhouse emissions have nearly doubled over the past 50 years and may increase by another 30 per cent by 2050, according to new estimates out today from the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). "FAO's new data represent the most comprehensive source of information on agriculture's contribution to global warming made to date," said Francesco Tubiello of the agecny's Climate, Energy and...

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‘Jobless growth’ no more-Santosh Mehrotra

-The Hindu   Since 2004-05, for the first time in the history of India, more workers have left agriculture for productive work in industry and services Higher than normal inflation, high current account deficit, a depreciating rupee and slowing GDP growth might hold true in recent times. However, when it comes to employment, the facts are quite different as between 2009-10 and 2011-12, non-agricultural employment grew rapidly. Between 1999-2000 and 2004-05, National Sample Survey...

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Real cure for Inflation headache: Fix rural infrastructure, process more food

-The Economic Times   Inflation - retail as well as wholesale - has increased in March over relatively benign levels in February. At 5.7%, the growth of inflation based on the wholesale price index ( WPI) was at a three-month high, compared to a ninemonth low of 4.7% seen in February. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) now sets policy rates by looking at inflation based on the consumer price index (CPI)....

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Asian countries dominate global education assessment test: Pisa-Prashant K Nanda

-Live Mint   Instead of testing theoretical knowledge, the problem-solving tests examined how students could use their knowledge in practical situations New Delhi: Asian countries led by Singapore took the top seven spots in the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) report on problem solving capability among 15-year-old students, released by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Tuesday. "Students from Singapore and (South) Korea have performed best in the first...

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The Third World's drinking problem-Asit K Biswas & Peter Brabeck-Letmathe

-The Business Standard   International organisations recognise the impending shortage of potable water but their approach is entirely wrong During this year's gathering in Davos, the World Economic Forum released its ninth annual Global Risks report, which relies on a survey of more than 700 business leaders, government officials and non-profit actors to identify the world's most serious risks in the next decade. Perhaps most remarkably, four of the 10 threats listed this...

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