The CBI is planning to book five senior BSP leaders for their alleged involvement in the Rs 10,000-crore National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) Scam ahead of the UP polls. Sources said the agency is set to register at least 10 more cases. "The enquiry has revealed that in several projects related to health and welfare departments of UP, several BSP leaders, including MLAs and MLCs, had connived with private contractors and...
Populism caution to judges
-The Telegraph The country’s top judge today advised the judiciary to work as independently of public sentiments as of politics, stressing that courts should deliver rulings according to the law and not the majority opinion. “Apart from independence from politics, the judiciary also needs independence from popular interest,” PTI quoted Chief Justice of India (CJI) S.H. Kapadia as saying while presiding over the Nani Palkhivala Memorial Trust Lecture in Mumbai. “If an order...
More »Ministry of external affairs slow on gift Scam probe by Jayanth Jacob
An internal enquiry by the ministry of external affairs into the dubious manner in which sub-standard gifts for foreign dignitaries were acquired by its protocol division is being conducted at a leisurely pace by the ministry’s vigilance department. The enquiry, which has been going on for the past two months, is yet to pin responsibility on the officials behind the Scam that took place in contravention of proper procedures and in...
More »UP NRHM Scam: BSP MLA Ram Prasad Jaiswal in CBI custody
-CNN-IBN The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has taken BSP MLA Ram Prasad Jaiswal into custody in connection with the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) Scam. Jaiswal was taken into custody after the CBI interrogated him in two separate cases related to financial irregularities in the procurement of information material. Jaiswal was under scrutiny for the supply of construction material and labour to ANM training centres in Lucknow and adjacent districts under the...
More »CBI bats for whistleblower by Nitin Sethi
The CBI has said that the multi-crore forestry Scam in Haryana which was exposed by whistleblower Sanjiv Chaturvedi, a young forest official, is a fit case for it to investigate independently. However, the agency will require clearance from both the Centre and the state government to investigate a case that many officials have attempted to scuttle over the last five years. The green signal may be difficult to get considering that...
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