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Delhi schools kept Directorate of Education out of loop on fee

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Raising student fees without paying teachers' as per the Sixth Pay Commission's recommendations isn't the only violation private unaided schools are guilty of. Replies to a batch of RTI queries, many of them filed with the northwest district, show that numerous schools have decided on a fee hike at meetings where no Directorate of Education nominee was present. The former MLA of Model Town, Akhilesh...

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An Improved PDS in a 'Reviving' State: Food Security in Koraput, Odisha -Mihika Chatterjee

-Economic and Political Weekly The public distribution system is widely criticised for being ridden with chronic corruption and failing to deliver benefits in a systematic manner. Using a sample of 793 households in the district of Koraput in Odisha, this article reviews the performance of the PDS in the district and highlights three important points: first, distribution of foodgrains, specifically rice, through the PDS has undergone vast improvements in the past...

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India Can Lead the World in Achieving Gender Equality: UN

-Outlook India has the potential to lead the world in creating just and equitable societies, the head of UN's women empowerment body has emphasised and said men and boys can play an important role in achieving gender equality. "We need India in the leadership in changing status of women. For me it is very important that India leads in the kinds of changes that you want to see see 20 years after...

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NRIs filed 78% of the patent pleas in India -Sushmi Dey

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: India registered the third highest rate for patent filings by non-residents at 78% of the total applications, ahead of China at 18%, Japan at 16% and the US at 50%, the latest data from the Indian patent office showed. Canada and Brazil topped the list with 86.6% and 84%, respectively. Officials opine this is an indicator of lack of awareness amongst the domestic industry as well...

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40,000 kids not enrolled in schools? -Ankit Yadav

-The Times of India BAREILLY: Two government departments have sparked off a war of words after one of them said as per its survey only 1,600 children were out of school in the district, while another department rubbished this saying more than 40,000 had no access to education. As per the survey conducted by the basic education department, officials said that 1,692 children had not been enrolled in schools so far. However, the...

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