-The Hindu The government on Tuesday said it would soon undertake a survey of the number of manual scavenger in the country so that they could get benefits of various schemes meant for them. Replying to a calling attention notice on need to take adequate safety measures to protect the lives of ‘safai karmacharis' by Arjun Ram Meghwal in the Lok Sabha, Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Mukul Wasnik said the Centre...
Cabinet meet likely Sunday on Lokpal, food security bills
-The Pioneer The union cabinet is expected to meet here Sunday evening to discuss the Lokpal and the food security bills, said official sources. The cabinet meeting, earlier scheduled for Monday, would now be held Sunday evening, the sources said Saturday evening Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on his way back from Russia Saturday, said the government hopes to bring the Lokpal bill to the cabinet by Sunday. "We are working day and night...
More »Cabinet to consider ‘sense of House resolution'
Besides taking into account the different viewpoints of parties on modalities of inclusion of the office of Prime Minister in the Lokpal Bill and the scope of the proposed ombudsman over the CBI and the CVC, the Union Cabinet would take into consideration the ‘sense of the House' resolution adopted by Parliament in August committing itself to three specific issues raised by social activist Anna Hazare. On August 27, Parliament urged...
More »Lokpal consensus being stitched: Extent of control over CBI remains sticky point by
-The Economic Times The extent of control that Lokpal should have over CBI remained a sticky point at the all party meeting here on Wednesday. NDA representatives at the meeting insisted on the investigative independence of the CBI and its complete disassociation from government. The all-party meeting was essentially aimed at hearing out the views of various political parties on the anti-graft body. BJP, Left and BSP insisted that the Bill...
More »Lokpal bill: Mayawati rejects draft in present form by Ashish Tripathi
Two days after major opposition parties extended their support to the demand for a strong Lokpal (ombudsman) as proposed by the anti-graft crusader Anna Hazare during his one day fast at Jantar Mantar, Uttar Pradesh (UP) chief minister and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati also offered her conditional endorsement. Mayawati on Tuesday rejected the Parliamentary Standing committee's report on Lokpal bill. She described the Lokpal report drafted by the committee...
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