Mokhada, Maharashtra: In the last 15-16 years, Jhaluriben Baria has had eight children, two of whom died within five days of their birth. Her youngest child Heera Gopabhai Baria, a boy, is seven months old. The infant is ensconced in a plastic sack strung across two sticks at the entrance of their house in Panchyasan village in Devgadh Baria block of Dahod district, Gujarat. Playing alongside is his sister, Premilaben Baria....
Redress wronged Tribal Women: HC by Supriya Sharma
In recent years, Chhattisgarh police has been under a cloud for human rights violations in the conflict zone of Bastar. So far, the allegations have not been proved in a court of law, making it virtually impossible for victims to claim compensation. But on Friday, for the first time, the High Court of Chhattisgarh directed the state government to compensate the widows of three men allegedly killed by the police....
More »Shivraj Singh Chouhan, CM of Madhya Pradesh interviewed by Shriya Mohan
Why is Madhya Pradesh ranked so low in the Millennium Development Goals like child and maternal mortality, extreme poverty, hunger and safe drinking water? Social sector allocation has increased only during the last few years. Before 2005, there wasn’t enough money allocated to it when compared to poverty alleviation schemes. Also, it takes time for the benefits of the allocations to reach people and for real change to manifest itself....
More »Identity enumeration and statistical systems by Sukhadeo Thorat
The system of statistical data collection in India needs reform in order to meet actual requirements. * There is a concern that caste-tribe-religion wise data may cause them to be used for political ends * Another concern is that they may consolidate rather than reduce consciousness around identity in terms of caste and religion * These fears are not borne out by experience; if anything, the experience is to the contrary The use...
More »Tribals get pattas and old age pension
PALANI: Tribals, living in Kattrazhaikaradu on declivity of lower Palni Hill of Balasamudram Town Panchayat, received benefits ranging from community certificate to land pattas and school admission to old age pension on Monday, thanks to quick action taken by the district administration. From now on, tribals and their wards need not toil in private farms as they have become land owners. Their children, once child labourers, can go to school. The...
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