The cotton growing area is expected to increase by at least 10 per cent during this season because farmers are getting Rs 3,200 per quintal while the Cotton Corporation of India has fixed the minimum support price at Rs 3,000 per quintal. During last year, cotton-sowing area in Andhra Pradesh was increased to 34 lakh acre from 32 lakh acre. This year, it is expected to increase to 38 lakh acre....
Grain banks guard against loan & seed sharks
This is a story of a bunch of gritty women in a small Andhra village who used their traditional resources and knowledge to fight poverty and create a source of livelihoods for others. A group of 34 women, most of them illiterate, at village Pyalayaram, which falls in Deccan region of Zaheerabad mandal in the state of Andhra Pradesh.decided to set up a community grain bank with a little help...
More »Fertiliser sector reforms will attract fresh investments
The fertiliser sector in India has been through difficult times in recent years. Stagnant production, no fresh investment and poor financial health of the units were accompanied by high level of import, imbalanced use of nutrients and deteriorating soil health. Mounting subsidy bill posed a serious fiscal management problem to the government. Industry has been pursuing with the government for appropriate reforms to ensure health and growth for both the...
More »Water crisis of east & west Punjab by MS Gill
Both sides will have to rise above politics and focus on the water crisis, which requires difficult and bitter solutions. As the long hot summer sizzles, one's thoughts in Lahore and Amritsar turn to water. It is scarce on both sides of the border. When the British finally and fully took over the Punjab in 1849, their thoughts turned to the possibility of engineering for agriculture. In the 1860s, they...
More »Seed makers move court against AP order on Bt cottonseed price
Mahyco-Monsanto challenges State's move on royalty fee. “In the last one decade, the cost of seeds for several crops has gone up by more than 400 per cent.” The National Seeds Association of India (NSAI) has filed a petition in the Andhra Pradesh High Court challenging the State Government order that fixed the maximum sale price (MSP) of Bt cottonseed at last year's levels, even as several farmers' organisations and non-governmental...
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