-The Hindu Business Line Retail prices of onion, which had softened a bit last month, have rebounded over the past few days on continued supply disruption, touching the Rs.100 per kg mark in pockets of consuming centres such as New Delhi and Chennai. The bulb could bring more tears to consumers in the days ahead, trade sources said, as the prices are likely to hit new highs with the crop sown in...
Government relaxes onion import norms as prices cross Rs.100/kg
-The Hindu Business Line As onion prices crossed ?100 a kg in certain localities in the capital, the government on Wednesday decided to relax fumigation and endorsement conditions for onions imported from other countries to ensure expedited delivery of the bulb. “In the light of public concern over high prices of onions in the market, the Ministry of Agriculture has decided to allow relaxation from the condition of fumigation and endorsement on...
More »It's time to move away from paddy-wheat cropping cycle to end air pollution
Air quality in North India in general and Delhi National Capital Region (Delhi NCR) in particular plunged to its lowest point in recent years during October-November thanks to a variety of factors. Through media reports one comes to know that stubble burning (also called paddy straw burning/ crop residue burning) is chiefly responsible for the public health crisis in India's capital and its nearby regions. Data accessed from the website...
More »Sale of onion, pulses to continue from buffer stock: Government
-IANS The representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture said that due to Diwali, the market was closed in Maharashtra due to which the supply of onion was affected for two-three days. NEW DELHI: The Central government has directed NAFED to continue supplying pulses and onions from the buffer stock in order to keep the prices under control, an official said. A meeting was held here on Wednesday under the chairmanship of Avinash Kumar...
More »Karnataka farmers yet to benefit from govt's agri reforms -Sharan Poovanna
-Livemint.com * E-trading introduced as part of agriculture reforms has had limited impact on farmers, say farm experts * E-trading has had limited impact on the agricultural community, which continues to be at the mercy of the middlemen BENGALURU: It has been four months since 24-year-old Chandan from Mallehalli village in Mysuru district sold his produce of around 1,000kg of tomatoes in the local market. At nearly Rs.500 for 20kg, prices were good...
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