-The Times of India The state CID has written to Facebook asking it to delete certain morphed images of chief minister Mamata Banerjee after a Trinamool Congress supporter lodged a complaint on April 12, citing specific posts and 'objectionable comments' flooding social networking sites. The CID also wants to know the IP addresses from where the pictures were posted. It is sure to scare netizens after what happened to Jadavpur University professor Ambikesh...
Toongate: Has Mamata Banerjee misused the IT Act?
-IANS Question: Why did Mamata Banerjee cross the road? Answer: To see if the chicken were making fun of her! In mid-April, the chief minister of West Bengal went viral with a vengeance. Hundreds of tweets (like the one above by @harqblack) carried the trendy #arrestmenow tag. Courting arrest got a new meaning. Now, Mamata is not the first to go viral. But such speed is usually found in other celebrity and entertainment domains. But...
More »CID moves Facebook for image source
-The Telegraph Bengal’s criminal investigation department (CID) has written to Facebook in its efforts to track down those responsible for uploading four Internet pictures lampooning chief minister Mamata Banerjee. If the CID persists with the drive, it will mean that the government is keen to take its crackdown beyond the circulation of unpalatable digital content and to its very source of origin. The CID’s cyber crime cell had earlier written to Facebook and...
More »Contrast shows personal liberty is enslaved by masters of FIR-Pronab Mondal
Nothing illustrates the threat that the FIR raj poses to personal liberty more starkly than the arbitrary manner in which two complaints in the cartoon case were pursued. One complaint was filed against Jadavpur University professor Ambikesh Mahapatra by a Trinamul supporter, accusing him of emailing “obscene” content about the chief minister. The second was lodged by Mahapatra, accusing four persons with Trinamul links of assaulting him. The strikingly divergent police response...
More »Top cop, TMC man framed Jadavpur University professor
-The Times of India Glaring lapses in the investigation of the case against Jadavpur University professor Ambikesh Mahapatra have come to light, which all but prove that the aim of the probe was to teach the academic a lesson. A senior police officer and a local Trinamool Congress leader literally engineered the case against Prof Mahapatra when none existed. A police officer who did not want to be named said Amit Sardar,...
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