-The Indian Express Delhi Metro fare hike: Amid opposition from the Delhi government, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation on Tuesday went ahead with the fare hike as recommended by the fourth Fare Fixation Committee. New Delhi: On Tuesday morning, 28-year-old Abdul Wajid — a labourer working at a cardboard boxes factory in Naraina — did not take the Metro to work. Nor did 35-year-old Brijmohan Tiwari, a security guard who lives...
Onion prices to soar further this Diwali -Tushar Pawar
-The Times of India NASHIK: Onion prices continue to soar in the country's largest wholesale market at Lasalgaon in Nashik, with wholesale traders saying that the prices could rise further during Diwali. Wholesale onion traders of the Lasalgaon Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) said the widening gap between the demand and supply had pushed up the prices. The average wholesale onion prices have increased by 80% in the past 10 days at the...
More »Punjab farmers defiant, burn paddy straw even as govt threatens to stop subsidy -Vishal Rambani
-Hindustan Times Farmer unions have been telling farmers to burn the straw until the government doles out some funds per acre for expenses that go into managing it by other means. Patiala: Seeking government aid to handle farm residue before following the ban on burning of paddy straw, farmer unions’ representatives collectively set fire to it in a 25-acre field at Shajju Bhatt village in Nabha to send across a message...
More »Access to sanitary latrines & child nutritional status are inter-linked, shows new urban survey
On the 148th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, cleanliness drives were officially organised across the country so as to promote Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. A few days before 2nd October, the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), under the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), released a report that attempts to connect the dots between sanitation and nutritional status of children. Please click here to access the survey report from NIN. On...
More »No means no
-The Indian Express Delhi High Court judgment in the Mahmood Farooqui case obfuscates the basic principle of consent. The December 16, 2012, gangrape in New Delhi, and the widespread public agonising and legal reform that followed it, helped redefine ideas of gender justice in progressive ways. Following the recommendations of the Justice Verma Committee, the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, criminalised voyeurism and stalking. These changes in the law have been accompanied...
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