The Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has decided to purchase stocks from farmers, who have been on a warpath for two months demanding a higher support price for their crop. Sources said bowing to pressure from farmers and political parties, the Union government cleared the decks for launching purchase centres by CCI in the state. Field-level officials at CCI, however, are still wary about the arrival of poor quality of stocks...
CCI for contract farming of cotton
Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has said it favoured contract farming of cotton, also called the Integrated Cultivation of Cotton (ICC). The 40th annual general body meeting of the CCI, which was held in Mumbai on August 27, felt that the cause of the ICC should be further pushed forward and farmers be convinced of it for better and effective results. CCI deputy general manager, SK Panigrahi, in a release said the...
More »Unfair competition
The government is reportedly toying with the idea of restricting the mandate of the Competition Commission of India (CCI) to sectors where it would not come in conflict with an existing sectoral regulator. That is a ridiculous idea, and the government should not waste time on it. The proposal has been floated by some powerful people, including those in sectoral regulators, and are keen to protect their fief and perhaps...
More »Rural distress
KEY TRENDS • The report entitled Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana: An Assessment from the Centre for Science and Environment (released on 21 July, 2017) finds that PMBY is not beneficial for farmers in vulnerable regions. For farmers in vulnerable regions such as Bundelkhand and Marathwada, factors like low indemnity levels, low threshold yields, low sum insured and default on loans make PMFBY a poor scheme to safeguard against extreme weather events. CSE's...
More »Disaster & Relief
KEY TRENDS • In 8 out of 17 states/ UTs the flood management works were not taken up in an integrated manner covering entire river/ tributary or a major segment of rivers/ tributaries and the Preliminary Project Reports/ Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) were not prepared in accordance with the scheme guidelines. There were huge delays in completion of FMP works which ranged from 10 months to 13 years due to delay...
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