-ThePrint.in For a family of five, the monthly thali cost jumped up from Rs 4,700 in 2015 to Rs 6,700 in 2022 for a lighter diet. Inflation, particularly food inflation, has been centre stage not just in India but globally. Despite moderation observed in India’s June 2022 inflation print, food inflation continues to stay in the uncomfortable zone of 6 to 8 per cent since the start of the year. How does...
Will Centre extend free foodgrains scheme beyond Sept or let it fade away? -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard While the production of foodgrains and the financial position of the government are important points, electoral compulsion may become the deciding factor for the survival of this scheme A sharp drawdown in India’s Wheat inventory exacerbated by a fear of a fall in rice production due to drought-like conditions in the main growing states has raised questions on the government’s ability to sustain the free foodgrains distribution scheme beyond its...
More »Good news from the farm as India’s FY22 foodgrain production estimated at record 316 mn tonnes -Sayantan Bera
-Livemint.com Wheat production estimate sees marginal upward revision to 106.8 million tons, though current rate lowest in 3 years. New Delhi: Production of foodgrain in India — comprising rice, Wheat, coarse grains and pulses — is estimated at a record 315.7 million tonnes in 2021-22, shows the fourth advance estimates released by the Agriculture Ministry on Wednesday. According to the latest numbers, Wheat production is revised upwards, though marginally, from 106.4 million tonnes...
More »Central Pool foodgrain stocks at lowest in 5 years -Prabhudatta Mishra
-The Hindu Business Line Wheat stocks already low due to low production, concerns mounting about dip in paddy sowing Rice and Wheat stock in the Central Pool, managed by the Food Corporation of India (FCI), is at a five-year low, mainly due to lower procurement of Wheat. Rice stock, though above 2020 level, may deplete fast in case there is a drop in production during current kharif season as paddy transplanting has...
More »Cereal inflation would be hard to tame amidst low rice acreage
Is India going to face inflation in cereal prices during the rest of the current financial year? Experts differ on this. An analysis by Nomura Global Economics and CEIC finds that a below normal monsoon does not always translate into high retail inflation in food. Similarly, an above normal southwest monsoon does not always bring down the rate of food inflation. However, some agricultural experts (please click here, here and...
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