The Manmohan Singh government has decided to create a sub-quota for Muslims within the 27 per cent reservation for Other Backward Castes (OBCs) and an announcement is likely before the Uttar Pradesh elections next summer. Sources said inter-ministerial consultations had been completed and the law ministry was finalising the contours of the proposal to be placed before the Union cabinet in the next few weeks. Indications are that a sub-quota of 6...
What’s Wrong and Right with Microfinance by David Hulme and Thankom Arun
Recent events in south Asia have led to an unexpected reversal in the narrative of microfinance, long presented as a development success. Despite charges of poor treatment of clients, exaggeration of the impact on the poorest as well as the risks of credit bubbles, the sector can play a non-negligible role in reaching financial services to low-income households. In regulating the sector, there is need for caution in setting interest...
More »Tea industry stirs success recipe by Wasim Rahman
Assam tea has failed to capture the market in the very country whose planters made it a marketable commodity in the state 150 years ago. The situation, however, can be turned around with a better marketing strategy, Mark Kibblewhite, an eminent tea scientist and a professor at Cranfield University in the UK, told The Telegraph on the sidelines of World Tea Science Congress which began at Tocklai Experimental Station at Cinnamara,...
More »Sankarans work for needy was pioneering
-The Indian Express "The late SR Sankaran, popularly known as the people's IAS officer was a versatile human being," said Aruna Roy. Delivering the first SR Sankaran memorial lecture on Sunday, the RTI activist and member of National Advisory Council said, "None of us can emulate the work that he did," adding the civil service officer had battled for rights of the oppressed as long as he lived. Aruna Roy said people...
More »Mayawati trashes MNREGA scam charges, calls Rahul's concern for weavers politically motivated by Ashish Tripathi
Rebutting union rural development minister's allegation of corruption in implementation of MNREGA in UP, chief minister Mayawati on Saturday said that the accusations are politically motivated and misleading. As per the evaluation of MNERAGA cell of the union government, UP has been among the best performing states in last four but all of sudden the corruption charges have cropped up, she said, which shows that there is more politics than genuine...
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