-The Hindu Allahabad: With her legs crossed and hands folded, 10-year-old Shivani sits quietly on her bed at the Kamla Nehru Regional Cancer Centre's (RCC) Jawahar ward, named after the country's first Prime Minister. "I want to grow up to be a doctor. I like playing the doctor and using needles (injections)," she replied to this correspondent's query. Shivani's father Suresh Kesharwani, mother Bimla and elder brother Rohit (17) look on anxiously. Shivani...
Myths about rti & political parties-Jagdeep S Chhokar
-DNA With the union cabinet approving a proposal to amend the rti Act to keep political parties out of its purview, the controversy about six national political parties having been declared "public authorities" by the CIC has taken a rather serious turn. Political parties, acting though Parliament, are on the verge of undoing a law that Parliament itself had given to the nation. The argument that the law should apply to...
More »Amendments to rti Act: Aruna Roy slams UPA government
-DNA UPA Government's credibility is in question as instead of approaching court to oppose the Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) order bringing them under the ambit of the rti Act, they decided to amend the Act itself, said activist Aruna Roy on Monday and asked government to hold wide ranging discussions before going ahead with their plan. Roy, who was also the member of Congress president Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council, said government's...
More »Aruna Roy to oppose rti amendment
-The Times of India JAIPUR: Social activist Aruna Roy and Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan activist Nikhil Dey have announced a daylong protest on August 6 at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi against the proposed amendment of rti Act to keep political parties out of its ambit. Roy demanded that all political parties spell out their stand in public on the proposed amendment before the commencement of monsoon session on August 6. "None...
More »Accounting for accountability
-The Hindu Surely something is amiss when ideologically diverse political parties reach a consensus on anything in quick time. Without even waiting to legally challenge the order of the Central Information Commission bringing parties under the ambit of the Right to Information Act, the Union Cabinet has decided to amend the Act to nullify the effect of the order. Political parties will have to accept the fact that they are...
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