-The Hindustan Times Lokayukta sleuths raided the residence of a Class IV employee of the Ujjain Municipal Corporation on Wednesday and found documents showing assets worth Rs 4.5 crore. According to the documents Narendra Deshmukh, a 53-year-old peon-cum-storekeeper, owns two houses, a poultry farm, a chicken shop, five acres of land in Maharashtra’s Jalgaon district, partnership in a 10-room hotel in Mumbai, two sport utility vehicles (SUVs) worth more than Rs 16...
‘Early schooling must be in mother-tongue' by Mohammed Iqbal
Eminent neurologist says kids should not be robbed of their right to grow in a natural way by “restricting [their] learning competence” with education in a foreign language like English An award-winning Jaipur-based neurologist has advocated imparting primary education to children in their mother-tongue, saying it would produce youngsters possessing “fundamentally strong personalities” bestowed with wisdom, motivation, better communication skills and creativity. In his new study, Dr. Ashok Panagariya – honoured with...
More »Laptop scheme exposes gaps in system by Vidya Padmanabhan
The scheme seeks to add a superstructure of digital empowerment without laying an adequate foundation Until recently, S. Dhibeka, 16, who had never used a computer until she chose the computer science stream last year at the aging, leafy Kakkalur Government Higher Secondary School near Chennai, could practise programming for only an hour or two a week, often sharing a desktop computer with one or more of her classmates. But since September,...
More »Let a Thousand Ramayanas Bloom by Bharati Jaganathan
The arbitrary deletion of A.K. Ramanujan’s ‘Three Hundred Ramayanas: Five Examples and Three Thoughts on Translation’ from the syllabus of a concurrent course taught by the History Department by the Academic Council of the University of Delhi has understandably sparked off a major debate. The prehistory of this step is to be traced to early 2008 when ABVP activists attacked and vandalised the office of the History Department in the...
More »In Chhattisgarh Naxal fight, police do as tribals do by Ashutosh Bhardwaj
Social anthropologists have long used the technique of learning tribal languages and adopting tribal customs to understand tribal peoples. There’s a new class of sociology students in Chhattisgarh now — the police. Bastar police are studying tribal behaviour to recoup what they think is lost in the linguistic and cultural gap with the local population. The problems of communication, the police believe, lead to suspicion and miscommunication, and push local people...
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