-The Hindu The latest data from the National Crime Records Bureau show that it is time to change our understanding of felony and its registration by the police With every passing year of writing on the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)’s crime data, it has become increasingly clear that what I am forced to do is essentially compare apples and oranges, and then make a normative call based on that comparison. This...
The spectre of suicide -V Sridhar
-Frontline As rural Karnataka reels under an unprecedented wave of suicides by farmers, the State administration looks on, unwilling to address the reasons that have rendered rural livelihoods fragile. DEATH stalks rural Karnataka. In the 41 days between July 1 and August 10, as many as 245 farmers committed suicide, an average of six a day; since April 1, 284 farmers have taken their lives. As a bewildered State government gropes...
More »NCRB data show rape accused known to victim most of the time -Rajesh Ahuja
-Hindustan Times Out of every 100 cases of rape registered in India, the accused is known to the victim 86 times, and in around 8.5% of these known cases the accused happens to be a relative, the 2014 data compiled by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) from across the country has revealed. Out of a total of 37,413 cases of rape registered in India in 2014, in 32,817 cases, the accused...
More »Jamnagar farmers clutch at 2013 law to get their land back -Maulik Pathak
-Livemint.com The petitioners have pinned their hopes on a clause in the 2013 land law that the government is now planning to amend Punjabhai Modhwadia, 42, isn’t giving up his land. Not without a fight. Sitting under a banyan tree overlooking fields of cotton, jowar and groundnut, next to what Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) chairman Mukesh Ambani called one of the biggest construction sites in the world, the Jamnagar farmer describes why...
More »Government to hike health care investment to 2.5% of GDP by 2020 -Nitin Sethi
-Business Standard Health cess recommended; public health care to be primary focus The National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government plans to increase public investment in health from 1.04 per cent of GDP (gross domestic product) to 2.5 per cent by 2020, with 70 per cent of this being dedicated to primary health care. This target has been set in the overhauled draft National Health Policy that now emphasises on substantially ratcheting up government...
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