The Posco Pratirodhaka Sangram Samiti (PPSS) president slammed BJD Rajya Sabha member Baishnab Parida on Saturday for commenting in the Parliament on Friday that large numbers of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh were hand-in-glove with anti-land acquisition leaders to oppose the proposed steel plant construction in the seaside villages of Jagatsinghpur district. "Not a single Bangladeshi is residing in three gram panchayats of Dhinkia, Gadakujang and Nuagaon areas," said PPSS president...
Size does matter by Medha Nanivadekar
The July 14 all-party meeting, like all of its predecessors, failed to arrive at any consensus on the passage of the women's reservation Bill. It's high time that the supporters of the Bill realised and accepted that the proposed legislation in its present form will never be passed by the Lok Sabha and devise alternate strategies. If they really care about increasing women's representation, they must be willing to negotiate....
More »'Reforms failed to bridge urban-rural divide' by Ravi Dayal
Experts at a discussion on "Two decades of economic reforms: The way forward", organized by CII, Bihar state centre, said the economic reforms had not lessened the urban-rural divide; hence rural people could not generate substantial demand in the economy, though the savings rate enhanced in the last two decades. Director, Asian Development Research Institute, P P Ghosh, said the savings rate had increased from 12% in 1951 to 35%...
More »Street vendors' forum to form Asia-level alliance by Smita Gupta
Plans to hold an Asia level conference in Delhi in November The National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI), which plans to form an Asia-level alliance to give momentum to the street vendor movement in different parts of the continent, is planning to hold an Asia-level conference in Delhi in November later this year. The organisation hopes the Union Housing and Urban Poverty Ministry will be a key partner for this...
More »Why civil society is right to up the ante on corruption by Mythili Bhusnurmath
Has civil society gone beyond its remit by refusing to back down on the issue of tackling corruption? The answer to that depends on which side of the on-going debate on the Lokpal Bill you are on. If you are with the civil society activists, then the question just does not arise. For too long has the government dragged its feet on the Lokpal Bill and civil society is entirely...
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