The CBI unit of Pune has taken over the investigations in the sensational murder case of RTI activist Satish Shetty. The case was earlier being handled by CBI, Mumbai office, following an order from the Bombay high court. CBI director Amar Pratap Singh issued an order on August 4 to transfer the case to the Pune office. CBI deputy inspector general of police Pravin Salunke said, "The Pune office is in a...
GoM on graft pushes for transparency
-The Times of India The government plans to bring forward legislation to implement key transparency measures in procurement, exploitation of natural resources and electoral reform in the winter session of Parliament. A meeting of the group of ministers (GoM) on corruption on Tuesday evening decided to move forward on anti-graft measures that it has been considering for some time now. The Vinod Dhall and Ashok Chawla committee recommendations on procurement and natural...
More »State land maps locked in Bihar by Suman K Shrivastava
Eleven years after birth, Jharkhand is still staggering under the oppressive weight of multi-crore land Scams — one of the most ignoble pulled off in the capital and the latest unearthed in temple district Deoghar — and it squarely blames Big Brother Bihar for this physical handicap. As many as 82,000 land maps belonging to the state are gathering dust at the Gulzarbag Printing Press in Patna, leaving ample scope for...
More »The idea of corruption by Latha Jishnu
Anna Hazare and his followers have a skewed notion of corruption. Would they ever see the Bhopal gas tragedy as the symptom of the problem? The government’s initial contempt and arrogance for Anna Hazare’s protest turned into craven pandering as his hordes made a carnival of it in Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan. One was troubled by the fate of other protesters who have received short shrift—the small, the struggling and much suffering...
More »Left parties demand strong Lokpal, effective laws to combat graft
-The Hindu Enact laws to carry out reforms in elections, land: Karat The Left parties on Friday demanded a strong and effective Lokpal but emphasised that creation of an ombudsman to tackle corruption would need to be reinforced by laws and reforms in other areas. Communist Party of India (Marxist) general secretary Prakash Karat, at a joint rally here, described the UPA government as the “most corrupt” regime in independent India, with a...
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