Justice Asok Kumar Ganguly,who was part of the two-judge Supreme Court bench that delivered the 2G verdict on Thursday, has written the following article in response to The Telegraph report on Saturday that had quoted former Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee. The former Speaker has since said The Telegraph report had given rise to a wrong impression and his comments were strictly confined to policy, not executive decisions. “What I...
Belittling CAG Diminishes Parliament’s Effectiveness by BP Mathur
The Comptroller and Auditor General’s Report on the 2G Spectrum has created a great deal of controversy and his role is being questioned. The Public Accounts Committee could not finalise its report due to the splitting on the issue on party lines. The JPC currently examining the matter has taken an unprecedented step of taking evidence of a junior officer of the CAG’s set up, since retired, and quizzed the...
More »Learnt in Godhra, forgotten in Jaipur by Aakar Patel
It is difficult to explain to Indians the wrongness of collective punishment. This is because our identity is collective, and so is our behaviour This month is the 10th anniversary of the incident at Godhra and the events in Gujarat that followed. When the violence began, it was said that the media had made the violence worse. Often this was by its innocence and sometimes by its malice. Was this true? The...
More »Supreme Court strikes down Arms Act provision for mandatory death penalty by J Venkatesan
Bench says it runs counter to constitutional law and ultra vires Constitution The Supreme Court on Wednesday declared unconstitutional Section 27 (3) of the Arms Act, which provides for mandatory death sentence to an accused charged with an offence under this provision. Section 27(3) says: “Whoever uses any prohibited arms or prohibited ammunition or does any act in contravention of Section 7 and such use or act results in the death of...
More »Major Central trade unions against West Bengal proposal by Shiv Sahay Singh
Opposing the West Bengal government's proposal to do away with the right to strike of its employees, major Central trade unions have decided to support the government employees' unions in their agitation for protection of their rights. Describing the comments of State Labour Minister Purnendu Basu as unfortunate, Gurudas Dasgupta, general secretary of All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) and MP of the Communist party of India (CPI), said the right...
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