-The Hindu The West Bengal Human Rights Commission has sought a report from the Superintendent of Police, Paschim Medinipur district, on allegations of torture of a young man who was handcuffed to his hospital bed after he allegedly attempted suicide while in custody, officials of the Commission said on Monday. The Youth is suspected to be involved in Maoist activities. “A report may be called from the SP Paschim Medinipur within four...
BPL millionaires-Alok Prakash Putul
-Down to Earth Industrial houses use tribals as fronts to amass tribal land in Chhattisgarh Ram Singh’s neighbours tease him by calling him Crorepati Singh. The 40-year-old Gond tribal from Parsada village in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh has hardly any landholding and depends on the government’s employment guarantee schemes to feed his family. But according to official documents, Singh has recently purchased land worth Rs 1.5 crore from a dozen of tribals...
More »He took a radical approach to farming-Firoz Rozindar
Basagonda adopted INM system to cultivate papaya Around three years ago when Basagonda Muttappanavar decided to join his father in farming, he had a dream: to bring about a radical change in farming methods. Confident Being the son of a farmer, the 27-year-old agriculture graduate was confident of turning the not-so-profitable land into a dividend-rich farm. Basagonda decided to cultivate Taiwan-786 variety of papaya on 4 acres of their 45-acre farm at Managuli village,...
More »Shankarpura: India's first tobacco-free village-Vedant Singhania
-CNN-IBN Shankarpura: Welcome to India's perhaps only tobacco-free village - Shankarpura in Haryana, that comes as a breath of fresh air, quite literally. While elders puffing the traditional hookah, and discussing worldly issues has been a part of Haryana's socio-cultural milieu, the village of Shankarpura chose to break away from the tradition by becoming perhaps the only village in the country which is free from tobacco. Manpal Singh Selwal, Chairman of the Block...
More »Targeting Innocents: State and Human Rights of Minorities-Ram Puniyani
In Kalyan a Muslim Youth Bilal Shaikh was slaped with a non boilable cognizable offense (May 2012) under section 333, after he jumped the traffic signal. He was assaulted brutally by the police for having arguments with them, suffered a fracture in right arm and was in jail for eight days. The policemen who beat him up got released with the non cognizable warrant. Another Muslim Youth Mohammad Amir Khan, age...
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