-The Hindu The RBI has estimated a 7.1% inflation rate for the July to September quarter India’s retail inflation touched 7% in August, up from 6.71% in July, fuelled by a 7.62% pick-up in food prices paid by consumers, even as industrial production growth in July had dropped to the lowest level since April at just 2.4%, with output levels dropping 2.75% month-on-month. This is the eighth successive month that retail inflation...
Was ethanol the reason for the ban on broken rice exports -Raju Sajwan and Shagun
-Down to Earth A look at official data shows that the allocation of Food Corporation of India rice for ethanol was drastically increased in 2021-22, as compared to 2020-21. But the government has now put restrictions due to low production The Narendra Modi government imposed restrictions on the export of broken rice September 8, 2022. A number of theories are doing the rounds as to why the government did this, including a...
More »Inflation in basic commodities higher in rural areas than urban: Consumer Price Index -Himanshu Nitnaware
-Down to Earth Among states, West Bengal had the highest inflation at 10.29% The All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the month of August 2022, released by the National Statistical Office September 12, was found to be higher for rural areas than urban ones. The CPI in rural areas — 7.15 per cent — was higher compared to 6.72 per cent in urban markets. The Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) for rural...
More »CBI to probe AAP Delhi govt for 'irregularities' in purchase of 1,000 low-floor buses
-PTI/ The Telegraph Complaint was forwarded to the Chief Secretary on July 22 to seek comments from departments of Delhi government and consequently their recommendations Delhi LG V K Saxena has approved a proposal to forward a complaint to the CBI to probe the alleged corruption in the procurement of 1,000 low-floor buses by the DTC, official sources said on Saturday. A complaint addressed to Saxena in June this year had highlighted the...
More »122 farmer suicides in a single district in WB in 2021, reveals RTI query -Shiv Sahay Singh
-The Hindu In contrast, State Government has been maintaining that there were no deaths by suicide in agricultural sector; NCRB data also concur A Right to Information (RTI) query has revealed that there were 122 farmer and farm-related suicides in West Bengal’s Paschim Medinipur district in 2021. The West Bengal government has for the past several years maintained in public forums and the State Assembly that there has not been a single...
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