Rotting grain violate the sanctity of food and the people's right to it, Navdanya, an NGO, said here on Tuesday. Criticising Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement that distribution of free grain would be anti-farmer, the NGO said that, on the contrary, farmers who were ready to harvest their kharif crop would be hurt if the government did not procure enough because it lacked adequate storage facilities. “If the government is unable to...
India's progress on MDGs found tardy
Despite some movement in primary education, assured rural employment and access to potable water, India continues to lag behind in realising the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set for 2015 by the United Nations, a new report says. Persistent inequalities, ineffective delivery of public services, weak accountability systems and gaps in implementing pro-poor policies are major bottlenecks to progress, said the country report on India pertaining to the Millennium Development Goals. It...
More »Prime Minister's remarks termed “anti-poor” by Gargi Parsai
The steering group of the Right to Food Campaign on Wednesday expressed its “shock” at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement asking the Supreme Court not to interfere with policy and said it showed how “completely anti-poor” the government was. In a press release here, the Campaign — a conglomeration of rights and civil society groups — said that when, under the Constitution, people had the Right to Life as well as...
More »NAC in hurry, need more time: Rural ministry by Devesh Kumar
A conflict has risen between the National Advisory Council (NAC), chaired by Ms Sonia Gandhi, and the rural development ministry over the time-frame for completing the BPL census. NAC members N C Saxena and Harsh Mander, in particular, want the head count to be completed by September 2011. The rural development ministry has ruled out the possibility of conducting the census of BPL cardholders within such a short duration. It...
More »UN-civil society forum issues call to action to improve health of millions worldwide
Civil society representatives from more than 70 countries wrapped up a United Nations forum today with an urgent call to action to improve the health of millions of men, women and children worldwide and step up efforts to achieve the globally agreed anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In a wide-ranging declaration adopted at the end of the three-day meeting in Melbourne, Australia, participants stressed that achieving...
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