As Madhya Pradesh begins to harvest a bumper wheat crop, the state is finding that measures put in place to ensure that the powerful do not game the system are having the unintended effect of keeping out the most marginalised. In anticipation of a bumper harvest, the MP government announced a Rs 100 bonus that it would pay wheat farmers above the central government-fixed Minimum Support Price of Rs 1,120. "It...
Parties ask UP Govt to consider wheat export by Arvind Singh Bisht
With wheat production expected to touch a new high during the ongoing Rabi season, a demand for its export has gained ground in UP. The export, is seen as the only way to help ease the problem of plenty and also to ensure remunerative prices to farmers. Incidentally, India's overall wheat production is also estimated to go up substantially. This comes at a time, when there is a global slump with...
More »Swami Agnivesh, journalists attacked in Dantewada by Aman Sethi
Collector, Senior Superintendent of Police transferred following reports of torching of villages A large group comprising Special Police Officers (SPOs) of the Chhattisgarh police and members of the Salwa Judum attacked social activist Swami Agnivesh on Saturday as he attempted to deliver relief to a village allegedly torched by security forces in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district. On March 23, The Hindu published reports and photographs alleging that SPOs had torched about 300 homes,...
More »Bribery charge must now be investigated by Siddharth Varadarajan
The Embassy cable suggests a serious crime was committed on Indian soil to which U.S. diplomats were privy. The Prime Minister cannot cite lame arguments to justify inaction. Since politics is a distraction, consider the following retelling of the WikiLeaks tale. An activist dies in a traffic accident. CCTV footage from a bank nearby suggests he might have been murdered but the case is never investigated properly. Three years later,...
More »Advani targets PM, Left says C in Congress stands for Corruption
A WikiLeaks cable that suggests the Congress was paying MPs to support the government during a vote of confidence has triggered a ferocious new assault on the government by the Opposition. "This government must quit," said LK Advani, BJP leader, adding that "The PM must take responsibility and resign...he has no moral authority to lead the government." The Indian players who star in the cable have denied its claims. Pranab...
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