Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Tuesday assured a delegation of Rashtriya Lok Dal leaders that government will move the crucial bill to amend the Land Acquisition Act in the coming session of Parliament, its leader Ajit Singh said. After a half-an-hour long meeting with the Prime Minister, the RLD chief said that he apprised the former about the violence over land acquisition in Noida and reminded him about his commitment to...
Fighting Corruption by SL Rao
Tihar jail today has the largest collection of charged or convicted top officials, a powerful ex-minister, sundry politicians and officials. Maharashtra had a teflon-coated chief minister who was ‘sacked’ to a cabinet post in Delhi after being long untouched by many scandals. Another just exited. A former Jharkhand chief minister is in jail on charges of looting his state treasury and accumulating funds abroad. The powerful founder of the Nationalist...
More »Farmer fury singes Agra, Aligarh
Farmers' frenzy against land acquisition spread on Sunday and singed more places in west Uttar Pradesh with the number of those killed rising to four. While 22 protesters were arrested for rioting and arson, the state government announced a reward of Rs 50,000 for information on absconding farmer leader Manveer Singh Tevetia who triggered the protests. Four policemen were injured in Agra where farmers attacked cops demanding higher compensation for their...
More »Forces called in before Posco land acquisition
The state government has started deploying security personnel in the Posco project area, anticipating a showdown with activists against land acquisition for the South Korean steel company. The state government would restart land acquisition for the proposed project in Jagatsinghpur district from May 18, chairman and managing director of Orissa Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation, Priyabrata Patnaik, said on Saturday. The Centre has already given its approval for the diversion of forest land...
More »2 cops killed in clashes with farmers in Greater Noida, 1 farmer also dead
Two policemen were among three persons killed and District Magistrate Deepak Agarwal got a bullet injury in fierce clashes that broke out in Greater Noida on Saturday between security personnel and agitating farmers holding three roadways employees hostage. Scores of people including an SSP were also injured when the agitation by the farmers demanding better compensation for their acquired land turned violent in Bhatta Parsaul village in Gautam Buddha Nagar district,...
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