-The Hindu The World Bank said on Tuesday that the spike in ‘unmet demand’ for MGNREGA jobs is an indicator of increasing rural distress. Since the scheme is the only and therefore the best bet India has for mitigating the impact on the poor of the recent unseasonal rains, the government should take steps aimed at arresting delays in wage payments and the rising unmet demand for jobs. “If you are a...
With Economy on an Upturn, India Needs to Unlock Investments to Accelerate Growth, says World Bank
-The World Bank A World Bank study shows creating productive assets can help make MGNREGS cost effective New Delhi– The Indian economy has turned the corner, says the latest India Development Update of the World Bank. Aided by a supportive external environment, in particular the sharp decline in oil and commodity prices, the Indian economy has taken strong strides towards higher growth and enhanced stability. Growth has accelerated, inflation has declined, the...
More »It's not rural India alone; job scheme also in distress -Nitin Sethi
-Business Standard Even as country stares at a possible drought, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has hit a new low At a time when rural India is in distress, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), which could have provided some relief, is itself facing its worst period ever. The number of people working under the scheme and the amount of work provided is dwindling, and the trend...
More »Aadhaar and Brazil soothe French heartache -KM Rakesh
-The Telegraph Bangalore: Six years ago, a 16-year-old Revanna M had missed a chance to travel to France for football training because, as an orphan, he didn't have the documents to obtain a passport. Memories of that heartbreak returned to haunt him last summer when he was chosen by an NGO as one of six underprivileged youths to visit Brazil during the football World Cup. Again, a passport seemed elusive for Revanna,...
More »One out of every 20 Tamil Nadu families have migrants -Julie Mariappan
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Livelihood issues have been pushing high school and higher-secondary pass-outs of Tamil Nadu to head out to foreign shores. At least one out of every 20 households in the state, predominantly along the coastal belt, have migrant workers in South East Asian and Arab countries, said a sample study by social scientists here. The average cost of migration for a person is estimated at Rs 95,800. This...
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