Chief minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy has decided to enhance the daily wages under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) to Rs 121 from the existing Rs 100. The job card holders who have completed the existing maximum limit of 100 days of employment under NREGA A will also now be employed for an additional 25 days. A decision to this effect was taken by Reddy at a review meeting. Crop...
Villagers vent anger at district officials
Villagers of Netai in Lalgarh could not conceal their grievance against the state administration when district police superintendent Monoj Verma and district magistrate Surendra Gupta reached the village on Sunday morning to supervise arrangements before governor M K Narayanan's visit on Wednesday. Gupta and Verma arrived at the village, escorted by heavy security, around 11am. Gupta started visiting different portions of the village and found a tube well that was not...
More »NREGA schemes failed in Ramgarh district
NREGA commissioner Ajay kumar Singh on Wednesday said Ramgarh district was at the bottom among 24 districts of the state in terms of implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). He was talking to newsmen after holding a review meeting of NREGA with the district administration. "I came here to find the reason why NREGA is a flop show in Ramgarh district," Singh added. NREGA commissioner said panchayat system in...
More »Master card: The UID faces opposition by Udit Misra
Why is the opposition to the UID scheme growing? The unique identity (UID) numbers being issued with much fanfare have no legal sanctity. This may surprise many who casually know about the UID scheme and believe it represents a progressive and transparent new India. The problem is, the Bill which proposes setting up an Authority mandated to issue such numbers was introduced in Parliament only in December 2010. This is yet to...
More »Flexible voices in food cell by Radhika Ramaseshan
Some members of the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council are in favour of a “compromise” on the food security bill after a committee appointed by the Prime Minister turned down their key recommendations yesterday. These members, speaking off the record, said they wanted to take the process forward and bring the bill in Parliament. However, this would be subject to the view that Sonia takes on the C. Rangarajan report. The bill,...
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