-The Indian Express He said the RBI board had “independently applied its mind” to send the relevant recommendation to the government. THERE WAS never any shortage of currency in the aftermath of the decision to demonetise high-value currency, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday while answering a clutch of questions on the issue. “At no point of time, not for a single day, was the currency inadequate. As...
Explain stand on TN drought relief: HC -Mohamed Imranullah S
-The Hindu Asks Centre to clarify steps taken to sanction funds The Madras High Court Bench here on Wednesday directed the Centre to explain by March 9 the steps it had taken with respect to a plea made by the State government last month to sanction Rs. 39,565 crore from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) to provide relief to farmers since all the 32 districts in the State had been declared drought-affected. Justices...
More »Budget 2017 Disappoints, Maternity Benefit Programme Underfunded, Excludes Those Who Need It The Most -Dipa Sinha
-NDTV According to the World Health Statistics (2016), nearly 5 women die every hour in India due to pregnancy and delivery related complications. 17 per cent of maternal deaths in the world occur in India. Based on the data from the Rapid Survey on Children (2013), only 65 per cent of children are exclusively breastfed up to six months of age. Infant and child mortality rates are high as well. Child...
More »Fortification plan for food
-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Centre has proposed making food fortification mandatory for all staples like rice, wheat flour, edible oil and milk to fight malnutrition but some experts have urged a cautious approach, warning of hidden costs and unproven health benefits. The Telegraph had reported in January 2016 that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had pushed the idea of universal fortification - addition of key vitamin and minerals to foods to improve...
More »Litchi behind mystery deaths in Bihar: US-India study -Durgesh Nandan Jha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The mystery behind the outbreak of an unexplained neurological illness in Bihar's Muzaffarpur, which had claimed nearly 100 lives each year till 2014, has been solved. Scientists from the US and India, after a joint investigation, have concluded that consuming litchi --a tropical fruit Muzaffarpur is famous for- on an empty stomach triggers the illness and death. Seasonal outbreak of the mysterious illness, characterised by acute...
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