-The Hindu The Centre on Tuesday said Bihar and Chhattisgarh had initiated investigation into the alleged removal of uteruses of BPL women as part of a fraud to corner insurance money. Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad laid a copy of his statement, made in response to a calling attention motion sponsored by a host of MPs led by Lok Jan Shakti Party president Ram Vilas Paswan, in the Rajya...
Cancer, HIV patients suffer as morphine supplies are hobbled by excessive regulation
-The Economic Times MUMBAI: India, the world's largest exporter of morphine sulphate, has very little of the drug to offer its terminally ill patients suffering from cancer and HIV. The supply of morphine, a narcotic pain reliever used for treating pain, is severely constrained in local Hospitals and retail stores due to stringent laws that prevent and hinder companies from making and transporting the final product. Morphine sulphate is a byproduct of...
More »Health Act faces hurdles-Sonal Matharu
-Down to Earth Centre drafts guidelines to regulate clinical establishments; Indian Medical Association resists After expressing resentment over the Centre’s efforts to regulate medical education, doctors are now up in arms against its move to regulate clinical establishments that are flourishing without any accountability. The Indian Medical Association (IMA), the largest body of doctors in the country, is threatening to sue several state governments if they enforce the Clinical Establishments (Registration and...
More »Worst dengue outbreak in Kolkata, 542 infected, 2 kids die
-The Times of India KOLKATA: The city may be facing its worst dengue outbreak. Two children have died at BC Roy Children's Hospital since Sunday night and many of the 20 kids admitted to the hospital with dengue are in critical condition. As in Salt Lake, there seems to be a deliberate attempt to suppress dengue figures. The health department website pegs the number of dengue affected at 542 in Kolkata, but...
More »16,000 ‘illegal’ hysterectomies done in Bihar for insurance benefit -Santosh Singh
-The Indian Express Patna: Over 16,000 hysterectomies (surgical removal of the uterus), most of them “unnecessary”, have been reported at private Hospitals across Bihar during the last one year allegedly to “avail insurance benefit” under the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna. The RSBY was launched by the Centre in April 2008. Preliminary investigation by Samastipur, Madhubani and Chhapra district authorities, which reported the maximum number of complaints, showed 10,000 hysterectomies took place in these...
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