The Madhya Pradesh government and its top bureaucrat, chief secretary Avni Vaish, have come under the Lokayukta scanner for allegedly organizing a free dinner for about 250 IAS officers with taxpayers' money. The Lokayukta has registered a complaint in the case and information is being collected in this regard. "This is not an FIR," Lokayukta P P Naolekar told TOI, adding that information was being sought on the complaint. The chief secretary...
Arvind Kejriwal, RTI activist interviewed by Saba Naqvi
Arvind Kejriwal is part of the brains trust behind the Anna Hazare movement, which has the potential to further undermine the Delhi order. The engineer-turned-civil servant-turned-RTI activist is now a mass campaigner for the Jan Lokpal bill and plans to expand the movement. He spoke to Saba Naqvi about his ideological convictions, faith in “the people”, dealings with the Aruna Roy-led National Campaign for People’s Right to Information (NCPRI) and...
More »Rs 19,000 hotel bill for ‘Gadkari sir friends’ Amitabh Sinha and Johnson TA
*Rs 19,000 to Atria Hotel for ‘Nithin Gadkari sir friends’ on August 31, 2010. *Rs 44,000 for a money counting machine on September 9, 2010. *Rs 10,000 for the wedding of a journalist’s son. *Footwear for G Janardhan Reddy’s son. As the CBI pursues former Karnataka minister G Janardhan Reddy and his illegal mining activities, details emerging from the computers and diaries of close associates of the mining baron are providing investigating agencies a...
More »Govt fast-tracks polls reforms to beat Team Anna by Nagendar Sharma
In a bid to put its electoral reforms agenda on the fast track and seize the initiative from social activist Anna Hazare and his team, the government will call an-all party meeting in mid-October on the subject. The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has directed the law ministry to evolve a “political consensus at the earliest” on its proposal to keep the “election arena free from persons with criminal backgrounds”. The move...
More »‘Cash Grants Must Back Food Access’ by Keya Acharya
Studies by the India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) Academic Forum on food security issues in the three countries suggest that providing food access works best when backed by cash transfers. A paper on food security brought out by the UNDP’s Brasilia-based International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG), under the Forum, shows that despite the great strides in food production made by India people in this country are just not eating enough. Citing indices...
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