The Gondia police have arrested Sudhir Dhawle (42), Editor of Vidrohi magazine and freelance journalist based in Mumbai, on charges of waging war against the state. He was booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. “The charges are the same as those slapped on [rights activist] Binayak Sen,” Mr. Dhawle's lawyer Surendra Gadling told The Hindu. He claimed that the police took Mr. Dhawle into custody on Sunday night itself from...
Release info pronto, thunders panel after attack on RTI activist by Kaumudi Gurjar
Withholding Talegaon land deal info sought by friend of slain activist Satish Shetty tantamount to violation of RTI Act, State Info Commission tells government agencies A day after slain RTI activist Satish Shetty's friend and fellow RTI campaigner Arun Mane was attacked, allegedly for pursuing matters that Shetty had been after before his death, the Pune bench of the State Information Commission yesterday issued a pathbreaking order when it asked for...
More »8 kids disappear daily in city: RTI by Dwaipayan Ghosh
About eight children go missing every day in the city, according to an RTI reply by Delhi Police. Across the city, over 2161 children had gone missing within a span of 270 days this year. Of them, 603 are yet to be traced. The chilling story was disclosed by the Alliance for Peoples' Rights, an NGO, after analyzing the consolidated figures of children who went missing between January and September this...
More »No clear proof of how Sanyal's letters changed hands by Aman Sethi
They're part of a conspiracy to aid CPI (Maoist)'s goal to overthrow Indian state: police Expert testified that the letters were probably written by Sanyal Sanyal says police coerced him into writing them “Dear Friend, I hope you are well. Have not had any news from you for many days. No letter either. I hope everything is well. Do send a letter sometimes.” On May 6, 2007, this letter (written in Bengali) and...
More »Get panchayat seal for home help by Cithara Paul
A maid hired from a tribal zone without the panchayat’s sanction could bring a legal case of human trafficking if amendments planned to a poorly enforced law are carried through. The changes are proposed in the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 (Pesa), which aims to give tribal communities in 94 districts greater powers over land and resources. The zones are in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand,...
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