-PTI Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh said Friday the government will take all measures to ensure that onion prices do not go up to the Rs 80-100 per kg level again, seeking to quell fears of a spike in the festive season ahead. The monsoon was late, so the kharif or summer onion crop would be delayed by a month in Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, the main growing areas. This could...
Delayed seeds of reform -Ashok Gulati
-The Financial Express Controlling food inflation seems to have pre-occupied the attention of the Modi government, at least for now, and it has succeeded in minimising the damage despite a poor monsoon. The Modi government had to hit the ground running as far as food and agriculture is concerned. With delayed and deficient rains in June and the spectre of El Nino, drought was looming large. Food inflation was stubbornly stuck at...
More »Delhi: Najeeb Jung gives farmers option to sell their produce outside mandis
-IBNLive.in New Delhi: Farmers henceforth will have the liberty to sell their produce directly to the end buyer. In a significant step to curb inflation and check hoarding Delhi government has delisted fruit and Vegetables from Azadpur, Keshopur and Shahdara Agriculture Produce Marketing Committees (APMC). "The sale and purchase of fruit and Vegetables in the existing market yards and sub yards shall be regulated and in rest of Delhi, it will not...
More »Mixed dishes for anganwadi kids aims at providing nutrition
-The Times of India TRICHY: From now one, children in some of the anganwadi centres under the integrated child development services (ICDS) scheme in Trichy can relish new varieties of mixed food served during lunch. The scheme was introduced in 93 centres in Manikandam block and 119 centres in project-I in the city on Monday. The new scheme would ensure that four different varieties of mixed food prepared with Vegetables will be...
More »Chandigarh gets a taste of Rs 1 idli-sambar
-The Times of India CHENNAI: The city corporation seems to be leaving no stone unturned in its effort to market the popular Amma canteen scheme. Every team of visiting officials, the civic body's officials ensure, is shown around at least one of the subsidized canteens. The visitors, from across the country or even abroad, may have come to study the style of functioning of the city administration but get to see one...
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