-The Asian Age The AG assured the court that the law would be implemented across the country. New Delhi: Even as the Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Centre, all states and Union Territories to implement provisions of the Food Security Act, attorney general K.K. Venugopal cautioned the court about issuing directions by expanding the scope of the petition relating to drought relief. A bench of Justices Madan B. Lokur and N.V. Ramana...
Judges Can't Run Government, Ask For Miracles, Centre To Top Court
-NDTV A bench, headed by Justice M B Lokur, directed the Centre to set up state food commissions, as mandated under the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013, even in the states not hit by drought. New Delhi: Judges cannot run a government and ask it to do "miracles", Attorney General K K Venugopal today told the Supreme Court while opposing fresh pleas being made by NGO 'Swaraj Abhiyan' in a...
More »SC bench observes apathy for legal provisions under NFSA by state govts.
Will you go and make complaints to the same public official against whom you have a grievance? Of course not. However, in a judgement dated 21 July, 2017 by a two-judge Supreme Court (SC) bench, it has been observed that officers in charge of implementation of the National Food Security Act (NFSA), were also designated as District Grievance Redressal Officers (DGROs) by several state governments. Section 15 of NFSA The SC...
More »Rural job wage delay
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Four in every five workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act do not get wages on time because of "flawed guidelines", a study released today found. Although the 100-day job scheme provides for payment of compensation of 0.05 per cent of the unpaid wages per day for the period of delay, nearly 33 per cent of the workers do not get any compensation while 47...
More »Delay in compensation wrongly calculated under NREGA: Researchers -Pratap Vikram Singh
-Governance Now Only 20 percent wage payments are time bound under NREGA, says a new study A new research on the implementation of national rural employment guarantee law (NREGA) disputes the way central government measures and offers the delay in compensation to workers. A group of three independent researchers claim that the figures in the NREGA management information system (MIS) have been manipulated to only partially calculate the duration of wage...
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