-The Times of India BHOPAL: Additional district judge RN Chandra in a Dabra court near Gwalior on Thursday issued orders to unblock over 70 URLs related to Arindam Chaudhuri's Indian Institute of Planning and Management (IIPM). The URLs were earlier blocked on orders of the court following a petition filed by Ruchiv Sharma. The blocking of the URLs had elicited massive online outrage, with many websites reproducing the blocked content. Sharma, who runs...
Ban on web pages linked to IIPM lifted by Gwalior court -Kashish and Prasad Sanyal
-NDTV Gwalior: Articles and blogs that are critical of self-styled management guru Arindham Chaudhari and his chain of business schools will be accessible online once again, a court in Gwalior ruled. A fortnight ago, the same court had ordered the government to block 70 web pages or URLs for hosting allegedly defamatory content about Mr Chaudhari and the Indian Institute of Premier Management. The court's decision to impose a temporary ban on those...
More »Protests sour Modi date with printers -Radhika Ramaseshan
-The Telegraph Narendra Modi will be “Romancing Print” on March 2 but some printers, unwilling to be wooed by the Gujarat chief minister, have dropped out of a conference where he will be chief guest. “The print and publishing industry cannot play Goebbels to Modi,” Indu Chandrasekhar, the founder of Tulika Books, wrote to the organisers of the conference in Delhi being held to exchange ideas on digital printing, motivating the self,...
More »Rail Budget 2013: Measures that will cheer middle class
-The Times of India Railway minister Pawan Kumar Bansal on Tuesday announced many initiatives in his Rail Budget 2013 speech that will bring cheer to middle-income passengers. From better e-ticketing facilities to free wi-fi on select trains, the Railway Budget will lead to implementation of many passenger friendly measures. Here is a look at some of them: 1) e-ticketing through mobile phones. Project of SMS alerts to passengers providing updates on reservation status. In...
More »164 items blocked online in just 2 days, mostly on court orders-Shalini Singh
-The Hindu Chaudhuri on IIPM and J&K Police on Afzal Guru approached courts seeking takedown of online material An investigation by The Hindu into the recent blocking of online content related to Arindam Chaudhuri’s IIPM and the hanging of Afzal Guru shows that on February 14 and 15, the Department of Telecom, on orders from various courts, issued as many as three different lists to Internet service providers (ISPs) and telecom service...
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