-The Indian Express Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directed the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to ensure "universal coverage" under Aadhaar by June 2015. According to government officials, the PM set the deadline at a high-level meeting chaired by him in the first week of September. The target was reiterated in the minutes of the meeting circulated to all the concerned departments. Directions have also been issued to the Registrar General...
Will the ‘Jan’ get their ‘Dhan’? -Akansha Yadav & Sowmya Kidambi
-The Hindu Business Line Opening bank accounts in rural areas is all very well, but biometric frauds are a serious possibility The ambitious Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) aims at bringing millions of rural Indians within the financial mainstream by opening bank accounts. In 2006, the Reserve of India, recognising that a majority of rural Indians had little or no access to banking services, allowed banks to use third-party, non-bank agents...
More »Direct benefit transfer plan set for expansion -Chetan Chauhan
-The Hindustan Times To check rising public expenditure, the government's two biggest money-spender schemes - subsidised ration for poor and job guarantee in rural areas - will soon be on the Aadhaar-enabled Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) platform. The disbursal of subsidy for cooking gas cylinders will come back on the DBT platform after the previous UPA government decided to put it on the hold just before general elections. The UPA, which started transfer...
More »Aadhaar-subsidy push: Govt for 80% linkage soon in five schemes -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard PlanCom meets this month to hasten implementation; initial focus on target coverage might cover 300 districts After reposing faith in the Aadhaar project at its cabinet meeting last week, the Narendra Modi government wants Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) to 80% of beneficiaries in five key schemes "as soon as possible". These include the cooking gas subsidy, where DBT was stalled under the previous government. The other schemes are on transfer...
More »Cashing in on UPA schemes, NDA takes them a step further -Ruhi Tewari
-The Indian Express At a high-level meeting in July itself, Modi set a target of one billion Aadhaar enrolments "at the earliest". Putting to rest speculation about the fate of the previous UPA government's most ambitious scheme - issuing Aadhaar cards and linking all benefits to this unique identity - the NDA government has given it a decisive push with Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself taking a keen interest in its rollout. At...
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