-The Hindu blog Data from the latest Transparency International report throws up few surprises as far as India is concerned. Virtually no key institution or sector in India is seen as being free from Corruption in the latest survey of the international anti-Corruption watchdog Transparency International, which, in its report 'Global Corruption Barometer 2013' states that bribe paying levels remain "very high" worldwide. Data from the report offers interesting insights into global Corruption...
The costs of no food security -Ashutosh Varshney
-The Indian Express India is at the point where a low income democracy cannot afford to ignore the hungry Is India's food security ordinance supportable? The debate has been vigorous. It will help to separate the questions of process from those of principle. Whether an ambitious scheme of this magnitude should have been brought in as an executive ordinance or as a new law after parliamentary debate, is basically a procedural question. It...
More »One in four paid bribe in past year: Global Corruption survey
-PTI Survey said 27% of respondents had paid a bribe, the most direct experience of Corruption for a person, with police the most often bribed institution One in four people paid a bribe in dealing with public services and institutions in the past year, according to a global Corruption survey. In the world's largest assessment of public opinion on the subject, Transparency International found that political parties are considered the most corrupt institutions,...
More »Corruption in India increased in past 2 years, global study says
-PTI NEW DELHI: About three-fourth of Indians say Corruption has increased in the past two years and an equal number term the phenomenon a problem, a global study by Transparency International said today. Transparency International's Global Corruption Barometer 2013 report revealed that while 40 per cent of the respondents in India felt Corruption has increased a lot, 31 per cent said that it has increased in the past two years. Similarly, 47...
More »The modest food security Bill-Jean Drèze
-The Business Standard The right to food is finally becoming a lively political issue in India. Aware of the forthcoming general elections, parties are competing to demonstrate - or at least proclaim - their commitment to food security. In a country where endemic undernutrition has been accepted for too long as natural, this is a breakthrough of sorts. The food security Bill is a modest initiative. It consolidates various food-related programmes and...
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