CBI has registered more than 200 cases of corruption against government employees, including some senior officials, between January and March this year. “The CBI has registered 2,439 cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act against public servants including senior officers during the last three years (2007, 2008, 2009) and the current year (upto March 2010),” minister of state for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Prithviraj Chavan told Lok Sabha in a...
India booms but poor still hungry, malnourished
The government is spending billions of dollars on welfare schemes, and plans even more this year. But that is news to Poona, whose daughter may soon die from that stain on India's growth story -- malnutrition. Poona, who married at 14 and breaks quarry stones for a living, shielded her daughter's sunken face from a harsh summer sun with her blue sari. She does not know Urmila's weight, but the...
More »Turnaround of India State Could Serve as a Model by Lydia Polgreen
For decades the sprawling state of Bihar, flat and scorching as a griddle, was something between a punch line and a cautionary tale, the exact opposite of the high-tech, rapidly growing, rising global power India has sought to become. Criminals could count on the police for protection, not prosecution. Highwaymen ruled the shredded roads and kidnapping was one of the state’s most profitable businesses. Violence raged between Muslims and Hindus, between...
More »Cracks In The Silo Wall by Lola Nayar
Flaws In The PDS… Poor verification norms, over two crore bogus BPL cards Over 1.2 crore BPL families don’t have a ration card No monitoring, resulting in pilferage, gaps in delivery, poor quality foodgrains Poor profit margins a major cause for corruption Lack of information hinders benefits from reaching the poor …and the Solutions Base fair price shops on new business model The Centre takes ‘responsibility’ for delivery in states Make verification...
More »Not A Morsel Of Sense by Neelabh Mishra
The draft food security bill studiedly sidesteps the real problem An offending official disconnect with the hungry millions of India has been perpetrated by the very group aiming to improve their lot. In the minutes of its meeting of March 12, the empowered Group of Ministers, which cleared a draft food security bill for consideration of the Union cabinet, recorded this audacious passage: “The definition of food security should be limited...
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