-DNA A discussion launched on chief minister Narendra Modi during the question and answer section after the screening of the film Jay Bhim Comrad, saw vitriolic attack about the portion of the film which showed Modi's visit to Mumbai for election campaigns. The film is mainly focused on the cultural movement by dalit youths called Kabir Kala Manch and deals about atrocities on dalits and their struggle to sustain cultural revolution in...
Panchayat forces family to cancel wedding of 2 daughters by Deepender Deswal
A family called off the wedding of their two daughters a day before the marriage was scheduled to be solemnized, after they were pressurized by the panchayat of Jalalpura Kalan village of Jind district to do so. The marriages of the two girls which were set to take place on Thursday were cancelled on Wednesday after members of Bhayan and Jaglan gotras of the panchayat directed them to call off...
More »Mecca Masjid blast: report on cases booked sought
-The Hindu MIM has appealed to the government for withdrawal of cases against innocent Muslim youth Home Minister P. Sabitha Indra Reddy has directed the police officials to submit a detailed report in about 15 days about the cases registered in connection with the Mecca Masjid blast and the communal disturbances in March, 2010. The Home Minister held a review meeting with City Police Commissioner A.K. Khan, senior officials, Minister Mukesh Goud and...
More »2014 will be a year of change, says Anna Hazare
-PTI Social activist and anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare on Saturday said that 2014 would be "the year of change". Inaugurating the 'National youth Integration Camp' organised by Snehalaya and National youth Project, Hazare said, "Mentality of the Indian youth is changing rapidly, and the year 2014 would be the year of change. If the youth resolve, they can change the system." The next general elections are due on 2014. The anti-corruption crusader, who...
More »Reel lessons on net worth by Amit Gupta
Watch a film, get entertained. Well, if it is IIM-Ranchi, you get business ideas, a certificate from the B-school and market linkage from Nabard. Looking to develop reel lessons to transform real-life strugglers into successful managers, IIM-Ranchi is embarking on a unique project — named Barefoot Managers, the premier B-school will develop 15 short films on entrepreneurial literacy and screen one a day in front of semi-literate and low-income groups in...
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