Crop insurance claims settlement has crossed Rs. 15,500 crore mark, benefitting over 4 crore farmers in the country. Crop insurance claims worth Rs. 15,521 crore have been settled as on 24.06.2010. With Rs. 3041 crore, Gujarat is on the top followed by Andhra Pradesh (Rs.2600 crore), Maharashtra (Rs. 1481 crore), Karnataka (Rs. 1406 crore) and Bihar Rs. (1236 crore). From Rabi 1999-2000 to Kharif 2009, 4.27 crore farmers have benefitted...
Pulses farming to become mechanised from kharif season by Gargi Parsai
With the continuous high prices of pulses a major worry, the Centre has reoriented its strategy from this kharif season, with farmers being given incentives to go for mechanisation through custom hiring of tractors, ridge and furrow planters, and Rotavators (rotary tillers). Farmers are also being encouraged to take up inter-cropping, adoption of new technologies, integrated nutrient management, better seeds, and drip and sprinkler irrigation. Farmers in 60,000 identified villages in major...
More »Finding a fix for food security by Ashok Khemka
Furious debates among policymakers about the proposed national food security law largely revolve around its financial repercussions. The Planning Commission is finally coming around to accepting the Tendulkar Committee’s estimates of 37.2 per cent BPL population or 8.5 crore BPL households. The fiscal burden in implementing the food security law for 37.5 per cent BPL population, with each household being provided 35 kg food grains, is estimated to be Rs...
More »'Hike in pulses MSP will encourage farmers'
The Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti (VJAS) has welcomed the government decision to raise the minimum support price (MSP) for pulses for the kharif season. The increase, which ranges from Rs 380 per quintal to Rs 700 per quintal, is part of the government’s strategy to boost production of pulses in the country. The hike in MSP for pulses this year is significant, both in terms of absolute increase and percentage...
More »Plan panel for hoarding grain to curb subsidy? by Nitin Sethi
Is the Planning Commission too singularly focused on reducing food subsidy and intending to dissuade people from buying subsidized food rations even as the government spends thousands of crores to store excess grains in its stocks? Is it being penny wise but pound foolish? An internal note of the Plan panel suggests so. A note prepared by the panel reveals some startling information. On April 1, 2010 -- normally the...
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