-The Times of India The Allahabad high court on Monday scrapped the acquisition of 170 hectares of land in Gulistanpur village of Gautam Budh Nagar in Greater Noida. The bench of Justice Sunil Ambwani and Justice K N Pandey quashed a UP government Notification citing the urgency clause for planned industrial development in Gulistanpur village. This is the third time this month that the high court has cancelled land acquisitions...
Administration may use force to demolish betel vines of anti-Posco villagers
-The Business Standard The Jagatsinghpur district administration has decided to serve notice within next couple of days on the villagers of Polang, Bhuyianpal and Noliasahi who have not demolished their betel vines to clear the obstacle at the proposed Posco site for sand leveling and construction of boundary wall for the project. Sources said many villagers of Polang, Gadkujang, Noliasahi, Bhuiyanpal, Bayanalkanda and Nuagaon, who have been identified as anti-Posco activists, have...
More »U.P. government starts talks with Katesar farmers by Atiq Khan
Agitators have threatened self-immolation if demands are not met The State government has opened negotiations with agitating farmers in Katesar village in Chandauli district bordering Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh. The farmers, who have been protesting the acquisition of fertile agricultural land for a cultural and institutional hub on the banks of the Ganga, continued with their dharna on Monday. They have threatened self-immolation if the land acquisition process launched by the Varanasi...
More »Orissa uses public purpose alibi to acquire land for Posco by Nitin Sethi
A state government announces it is going to acquire land for 'public purpose'. The public purpose is to hand over the land to a specific private company. It decides to do so through one of its corporations claiming there is urgency – which helps override any legal objections from the landowners. Everyone in the region and the state government knows who the land is intended for – Posco -- but...
More »Hawking our habitats by Ashish Kothari
The two most important national level committees responsible for wildlife conservation in India are increasingly being turned into rubber stamps for whatever officialdom wants done. The National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) has become a forum to greenwash a host of ‘development’ projects that threaten wildlife habitats, while the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) continues to steamroller a blinkered model of conservation. In both, civil society members have been reduced to either...
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