-The Times of India blog With the approaching winter the air quality in many Indian cities, especially in Delhi, becomes a public health hazard. Something so fundamental as breathing easy can no longer be taken for granted. It’s a wake-up call worthy of a civic revolution. For decades now those who could afford it (very much including this writer), have seceded from public services. The Indian elite send their children to expensive...
Crisis is in the air -Darryl D'Monte
-The Indian Express Delhi has become world’s air pollution outcaste. Its decision-makers haven’t understood the consequences. The first thing that the Central and Delhi governments should own up to regarding the air pollution crisis is that everyone was forewarned and cannot pretend to be taken unawares. This “winter of our discontent” is the season when, as temperatures dip, pollutants hover around the surface of the city and do not waft upwards. Things...
More »Kids' plates in toilet scrub
-The Telegraph Damoh (Madhya Pradesh): Students of a government-run primary School at a village in Damoh, Madhya Pradesh, were allegedly made to clean a toilet using their mid-day meal plates, prompting the district authorities to order an inquiry. The School staff have denied the allegation. A group of parents went to the School in Doli village on Thursday after their children complained that on Wednesday they were asked to clean the toilet...
More »Sense and Solidarity: Jholawala Economics for Everyone review:Field work -Puja Mehra
-The Hindu On the need for action-oriented research in development policy A whole new way of looking at poverty and development policy is taking shape in the world of economics. Traditionally understood as meagreness of material resources, there is a growing realisation that poverty also depletes mental resources. Understanding of how poverty impacts behaviour, what the absence of resources does to a person’s mindset can vitaminise the poverty-fighting policy toolkit. Insights, well-designed qualitative...
More »Delhi air pollution: A (crop) burning issue, and the way out -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express Delhi air pollution: The current smog and poor air quality in the National Capital Region has been blamed in part on stubble burning by farmers, especially in neighbouring Punjab and Haryana. What is the genesis of the problem? What are its potential solutions? * How widespread is crop stubble burning? It is mainly confined to Punjab, Haryana and parts of western Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand, where farmers grow paddy and...
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