Each to be given a block grant of Rs. 25 crore With the aim of giving a fillip to development schemes in tribal and backward regions, mostly affected by Naxal violence, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on Friday approved the commencement of an Integrated Action Plan (IAP) in 60 selected districts. The IAP would be an additional central assistance scheme on a 100 per cent grant basis. It is aimed...
Marginalized communities cry for dignity by Himanshi Dhawan
India may well be on its way to becoming a superpower, but for millions of marginalized communities — transgenders, female sex workers, men having sex with men (MSM), intravenous drug users (IDUs) — the struggle to live a life with dignity and respect continues. These communities face an uphill battle for a government recognised identity card cutting access to nearly all welfare schemes. Representatives from 20 NGOs and community based...
More »A raw deal for children in budgets: child rights body by Aarti Dhar
They received mere 4.45 paise out of every Rs.100 allocated On an average, children received a mere 4.45 paise out of every Rs.100 allocated in the Union budget from 2004-05 to 2008-09. Even as India is hailed worldwide as one of the fastest growing economies, it seems to neglect its children, who constitute 42 per cent of the population. Not only are children's issues, especially health, nutrition and security, falling off the...
More »Towards a Comprehensive Food Security Bill for All by Dipa Sinha
The NAC proposals for the food security bill are narrow and lack in vision. What is needed is a comprehensive bill with universalisation of PDS and a focus on child malnutrition. There was much excitement when food security became one of the issues in the manifestos of most major political parties in the run up to the 2009 General Elections. With burgeoning food stocks, double-digit food inflation, stagnant malnutrition rates, declining...
More »Rajasthan plans health centres in tribal areas
The Rajasthan Budget for 2011-12 will make a special provision for establishment of health sub-centres and primary health centres in the tribal-dominated regions of southern regions in the State, considered remote and geographically difficult to access. State Medical and Health Minister A. A. Khan said at Gainji village in Dungarpur district on Monday that his department's officers would submit the proposals for budgetary allocations at the district level to strengthen the...
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