-The Hindu Allahabad: Even as the Uttar Pradesh government blamed the circulation of a fake video on social media for aggravating communal violence in Muzaffarnagar, inflamattory and communally inciting material continued to be spread widely on social networking sites and applications. Newspapers reports, morphed with inflammatory headlines, were widely circulated through various groups on Twitter, Facebook and other mediums of social media on Monday. Two widely circulated posts were picture clippings from...
In-depth probe imperative, says Manipur women’s panel-Iboyaima Laithangbam
-The Hindu Imphal: The Manipur Women's Commission has said it is imperative to hold an in-depth police investigation into the April 3 murder of Satyabhama Ningombam. Talking to journalists here, Chairperson Ibetombi Irengbam said the police should interact with the bereaved family, local residents and employees of the Pathology department of the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences here, where Sayabhama was a research fellow. The post-mortem report should be properly studied and if...
More »Rapes and wrath -Vijay Nagaswami
-The Hindu An independent all-woman criminal justice system for acts of violence against women would stand a better chance of enabling equitable justice than one dominated by patriarchal insensitivity. What more can I say about the unconscionable event that took place on the night of December 16 in Delhi that has not already been said or written about over the last fortnight? Every conceivable aspect of the brutal rape and the reactions...
More »Lost in caste politics: a woman’s right to choose her partner -PV Srividya
-The Hindu NAGAPATTINAM: When PMK launched its tirade against inter-caste marriages involving Dalit men, political parties came on board to criticize the statements by Ramadoss. Activists and feminist intellectuals say that what was lost in the melee was the voice of Dalit and Vanniyar women, rendered silent by the confines of caste. “Cast in caste, they have become prized trophies to be owned, regulated and guarded by the menfolk of the respective...
More »Film on dalit atrocities kicks up hot debate on Narendra Modi
-DNA A discussion launched on chief minister Narendra Modi during the question and answer section after the screening of the film Jay Bhim Comrad, saw vitriolic attack about the portion of the film which showed Modi's visit to Mumbai for election campaigns. The film is mainly focused on the cultural movement by dalit youths called Kabir Kala Manch and deals about atrocities on dalits and their struggle to sustain cultural revolution in...
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