-PTI Sunil Verma, Project Manager of the Construction and Design Service (C&DS) of the Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, in the rank of Assistant Engineer, was found dead at his Vikas Nagar residence here on Monday. His name had figured in the alleged irregularities in the implementation of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) schemes. According to Inspector-General (Crime) G.P. Sharma, Mr. Verma, 55, shot himself with his LICensed revolver around 8.30 a.m. The C&DS...
Big Business Weds Big Media
-Economic and Political Weekly The Reliance/Network18 deal should make us wake up to the impending threat to media plurality. Few are discussing it. India has just seen one of the biggest media deals, where the country’s leading industrial and business giant has bought into the largest network of news and current affairs TV channels. Yet, the fact that this could mark the beginning of a trend leading to private media being controlled...
More »Upset over CBI raid, UP health scam accused ‘shoots self’
-Express News Service An engineer accused in the UP National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) scam was found shot through the head in his Lucknow home this morning. This is the fourth accused in the scam to have died under unusual circumstances. In an apparent “suicide note” left behind on the living room sofa close to where the body was found, Sunil Kumar Verma, an assistant engineer with the Construction and Design Services...
More »Sitting on a land pile, government plans poLICy for sale, lease by Vikas Dhoot
The government, the largest owner of landed property in the country, is preparing a comprehensive land sale poLICy to raise revenues and check corruption in government-owned property deals. The finance ministry will shortly move a cabinet note for bringing in a new uniform poLICy on 'land alienation' by government agencies, with an eye on removing discretionary powers of individual ministers and bureaucrats, said a government official. In big cities, large tracts...
More »On table: fine for not voting by Basant Kumar Mohanty
A government panel has floated the idea of making voting compulsory in civic and panchayat elections, with a fine of Rs 25 for anyone who chooses not to vote despite the absence of disabling circumstances. The panchayati raj ministry task force has argued that higher polling is likely to reduce the influence of money power on election results. A low turnout suggests that only committed voters and those who have accepted money...
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