-The Indian Express The top court also issued notices to the Centre and Punjab, Haryana and Delhi governments on a plea by Class XII student Aditya Dubey and law student Aman Banka, which sought directions to provide free of cost stubble-removing machines to small and marginal Farmers to check the menace. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta Tuesday objected to a proposal to withhold a part of the Minimum Support Price (MSP) to verify...
Explained: How Haryana farm protests have put Dushyant Chautala in a tough corner -Varinder Bhatia
-The Indian Express The man who has pivoted his politics around the welfare of Farmers finds himself the target of protests – even more than the senior coalition partner BJP. Haryana’s young Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala and his Jannayak Janata Party (JJP) have been rather more in the line of fire of Farmers and the Opposition over the contentious new farm Acts than the BJP, the bigger partner in the state’s...
More »An Ingenious Legislative Approach for States to Undo the Doom Spelled by Central Farm Laws -Philose Koshy
-TheWire.in Rather than being on a collision course with the Centre to oppose recent agriculture laws, constitutionally, state governments have better options at their command to help Farmers. The three agriculture laws passed recently by the parliament give rise to several serious issues, that range from matters related to food security to the lives of Indian Farmers. One of the major issues among them is related to the constitutionality of these laws,...
More »Farm Acts – unwanted constitutional adventurism -R Ramakumar
-The Hindu There is a case to argue that the three Acts have poor legal validity, may be unconstitutional and weaken federalism The passage of the three Farm Acts by Parliament has led to a constitutional debate. These Acts are: the Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020; the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020....
More »Explained: Why it’s an underestimate to say only 6% Farmers benefit from MSP -Harish Damodaran
-The Indian Express The actual number could be anywhere between 15 per cent and 25 per cent. “Only 6% of Indian Farmers benefit from minimum support prices (MSP)”. So widely-quoted is this figure — especially in the context of the recently-passed Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act — that it has become a factoid or even truism. What is, isn’t counted The apparent source of the 6% figure is the Shanta...
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