The police at Sekmai in Manipur have rescued 10 tribal children, including three girls, from a child trafficker on Wednesday. They were being taken to Chennai as a part of a racket. The children, hailing from the interior villages of Churachandpur district, can speak only their dialects. They were being taken in an inter-State bus by a trafficker identified as James Khup (27) of New Lamka, Churachandpur. Following numerous instances of child...
6 yrs on, 3 petty thieves convicted for murder of NHAI whistleblower
In what appears to be a travesty of justice, three petty thieves were convicted of murdering National Highways Authority of India whistleblower Satyendra Dubey, who had exposed corruption in the PM's Golden Quadrilateral Project in November 2003. Six years after his murder, a Patna fast-track court on Monday convicted all the three accused in the case. Judge Raghvendra Singh will decide on the quantum of punishment to the three convicts...
More »MCD officials threatened me, alleges RTI applicant
Thirty-three-year-old Mohit Sharma from Delhi took the RTI route to put an end to the civic mess in his colony, caused by rampant unauthorised construction. But now he claims a threat to his life. And his finger is pointed at the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD). "I sought this information regarding illegal constructions in Shahdara. As a consequence, I started receiving threat calls. But on March 12, three MCD employees...
More »Remote Indian state set for development
A new drive has started to bring development to the remote north-eastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. In a letter from the region, the BBC's former India correspondent Mark Tully says there are fears that it will undermine the traditional tribal culture of the area and alienate the population. Driving from the east of Arunachal Pradesh to its oldest town, Pasighat, I was made all too aware of the state's underdevelopment....
More »Release of activist demanded
The People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) and the People’s Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR) will stage a dharna in Lucknow and Allahabad on Saturday (February 13) to demand the release of human rights activist and organising secretary of PUCL, Seema Azad. Ms. Azad and her husband, Vishwa Vijay were picked up by the Uttar Pradesh police from the Allahabad railway station on February 6 when they returned from New...
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