-The Hindu The Hindu investigates behind the rape numbers A six-month long investigation by The Hindu has revealed that the nature of reported sexual assault in Delhi is far more complex than earlier imagined. Among the key findings is that a third of all the cases heard during one year dealt with consenting couples whose parents had accused the boy of rape. Over the last six months, The Hindu analysed all cases involving...
Controlling farmers' Suicide: Toughest challenge for Telangana, Andhra governments -Manish
-The Times of India VISAKHAPATNAM: Among the many challenges before them, bringing down the number of farmer Suicides might prove to be one of the toughest for the new governments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. As per the national crime records bureau ( NCRB) data, unified Andhra Pradesh was only second to Maharashtra in terms of Suicides by self-employed persons in agriculture. While Maharashtra had witnessed around 3,146 deaths in 2013, it...
More »Farmers Suicides will continue as problems are deep-rooted -KV Kurmanath
-The Hindu Business Line Hyderabad: The news of 11,772 farmers committing Suicide did not hit the headlines when the NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) released its data for 2013 early this week. The gravity of the problem somehow didn't get the attention it deserved. Perhaps, we are quite used to the numbers since they have always remained north of 10,000 in the last few years. Those who closely follow developments in Indian...
More »The Hidden Victims of India’s Suicide Belt -Malika Kaur
-Sikh24.com AKHORA-In what has become known as Punjab's Suicide belt, men may be the ones taking their lives in an instant, but women are increasingly at risk of suffering over the long term. A blue and white wooden sign marks the "stitching room" in the Gurdwara in the small village of Bakhora. The walls of the room are aligned with hand-drawn posters illustrating steps to making a "ladies kameez," or tunic. Samples...
More »Need to focus on minimum living incomes for farmers -Kavitha Kuruganti
-Deccan Herald The National Crime Records Bureau's data for 2013 is out, and farm Suicides are pegged at 11,772 -- not very different from the earlier years.Many activists point out how these figures are in fact under-reported. In a country where the cultivators' numbers are plummeting drastically as the Census 2011 data shows, this unabated trend of farm Suicides is something that any government should take note of. The central aspect to this...
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