In the winter of 2009, Vilam Singh, a young tribal farmer from Chhattisgarh's Kawardha district, applied for 100 rupee-a-day work under MNREGA, the rural job scheme. One year later, the same below-the-poverty line farmer bought land worth 3.36 crore rupees in another district, Janjgir Champa. What explains the sudden turn of fortune? "He did not turn rich overnight. He was simply roped in to act as a front by a power company that...
Climate change dialogue at Durban keenly poised by Arvind Gupta
The 17th Conference of Parties (COP) under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) is being held in Durban, South Africa, from November 28 to December 9, 2011. Urgent action is required to arrest the inexorable rise in global CO2 emissions. What are the issues before this important international meeting on Climate Change? The last meeting of the COP was held in Cancun, Mexico, in December 2010. The 17th COP will...
More »Media and key issues raised by Markandey Katju by S Viswanathan
Markandey Katju's forthright comments on the state of the Indian news media and the intellectual competence of many journalists have certainly raised many hackles. One does not have to agree with everything the chairman of the Press Council of India diagnoses or prescribes to see that his observations have hit home. Nor are his concerns confined to how and in what respects journalism and many journalists go astray and let...
More »An honest judge needn’t fear accountability bill: CJI by Krishnadas Rajagopal
Do not put us all in the same category of “corrupt” judges; a judge with integrity need not worry about the judicial accountability bill, Chief Justice of India S H Kapadia said today, issuing an open challenge that if “you” want to dismantle the institution of judiciary, first show how to build a better alternative. The CJI in his speech on the Supreme Court lawns on Law Day said it is...
More »Cabinet clears Companies Bill; to be taken up this session
-The Indian Express The Cabinet today approved the Companies Bill 2011 which, once approved by Parliament, will replace half-a-century-old Act. "The Cabinet has cleared Companies Bill, 2011. It is likely to be tabled (for consideration and passage) in the ongoing Winter Session," a Corporate Affairs Ministry official said after the Cabinet meeting. The Bill, which has already been vetted by the Parliamentary Standing Committee of Finance and also by different ministries, seeks to...
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